May 25, 2008

Innovation : Art Center Pasadena

Yamaha Branded Concept Motorcycle | Page 3 of 3 | Next>>
AC TriceraSalvador Gonazalez, also in the Transportation Design’s 6th term, designed a self-standing entry-level electric sports bike. Powered by an electric motor, it is designed for environmentally conscious and socially responsible riders who still want excitement of sports bikes with safety and extra-conveniences. There is nothing more tragic than dropping your bike when you buy it new!

In addition the main fear for a rider is injury due to being exposed to the road and other vehicles. To address these issues Gonzalez designed an external structure that, in initial sketches at least, protects the rider overhead with a cover and on the sides with butterfly side guards.
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Yamaha Branded Concept Motorcycle | Page 3 of 3 | Next>>

Source: GreenCarDesign | Read More: Concept Vehicles , Hybrid